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Ambasciata di Slovenia: a Roma conferenza "Italy & Slovenia: Partnership in Investment & Innovation"

01-02-2019 16:52 - Ambasciate
GD - Roma, 1 feb. 19 - L'Ambasciata della Repubblica di Slovenia in Italia ha promosso la conferenza "Italy & Slovenia: Partnership in Investment & Innovation", che si terrà il 14 febbraio nella sede dell'ICE Agenzia, Via Liszt, 21 - Sala Pirelli
, in collaborazione con il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico della Slovenia,
Per il settore investimenti saranno presentate le opportunità relative a:
• Infrastrutture turistiche
• Settore finanziario (partecipazione societaria in progetti di privatizzazione società pubbliche slovene)
Per il settore innovazione verranno presentate le possibilità di collaborazione in campo della collaborazione scientifica nei settori:
• Aerospazio
• Factories of the Future
• Smart cities
• Circular Economy
Per aderire compilare il modulo presente nella sezione “Adesione” del mini sito:
All’interno del mini-sito c'è il programma e i documenti di inquadramento della giornata di lavoro che sarà continuamente aggiornato.
La lingua di lavoro utilizzata durante il dibattito all’interno dei tavoli di lavoro sarà esclusivamente l’inglese.
La segreteria organizzativa è ai numeri telefonici: 06 5992.9235 / 6998 / 9323 / 9821
08.45 - Registration & Welcome Coffee
09.15 - Welcome Address - Carlo Ferro, President, Italian Trade Agency (tbc)
09.20 - Opening Remarks: Michele Geraci, State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Italy
09.40 - Key-note Address: Aleš Cantarutti - State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia
10.00 - Slovenia: Green. Active. Healthy - Aljoša Ota, Head of the Representative Office in Italy, Slovenian Tourist Board
10.05 - Business and investment climate in Slovenia - Vid Habjan, Head of the Department for Direct Foreign Investments, SPIRIT-Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology
10.20 - General overview on Italian-Slovenian trade and investment relations - Serenella Marzoli, Director of Lubiana Office, Italian Trade Agency
10.30 - Potential Investment Opportunities in Slovenia:
• Lidia Glavina, Director General, SDH-Slovenian Sovereign Holding
• Jože Jaklin, Executive Director, DUTB-Bank Assets Management Company
10.55 - Successful Slovenian investment in Italy - Uroš Likar, Director, Kolektor Microtel
11.05 - Successful Italian investment in Slovenia - Edi Kraus, Director General, Aquafil SpA
11.15 - Coffee break
11.35 - Slovenian Smart Transformation - Peter Wostner, Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy
11.50 - Launch of NEMO HD satellite on Vega Rocket - Tomaž Rodič, Professor, Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Space Science and Technologies
12.05 - Italian success case of space cooperation and business development with Slovenia - Paolo Bellomi, Senior Vice President Engineering, AVIO SpA
12.20 - Italian success case of sustainability and circular economy in Slovenia - Francesco Pasquini, Marketing e Commercial Director, AFH Lucart
12.35 - Slovenian success case of smart cities sustainability and innovation - Peter Pucer, Project Manager, Riko Hiše
12.50 - Closing Comments - Roberto Luongo, Director General, Italian Trade Agency (tbc)
13.00 - End of Sessions & light networking lunch
13.45 - DISCUSSION ROUND TABLES: analysis and follow-up sections
• Investments (Sala Pirelli)
Moderator: Matej Skočir, Head of Division, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia
Presentation of opportunities in tourist infrastructures and finance
Lidia Glavina, Director General, SDH-Slovenian Sovereign Holding
Jože Jaklin, Executive Director, DUTB-Bank Assets Management Company
• Research & Innovation (Sala Dall'Oglio)
Moderator: Roberto Morabito, Director of Department Sostenibility (SSPT), ENEA-Agenzia
Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile
The Strategic Research Innovation Partnership "Factories of the Future"
Rudi Panjtar, SRIP Director, Jozef Stefan Institute
The Strategic Research Innovation Partnership "Smart Cities and Communities"
Andrej Kotar, Comtrade, SRIP member
The Strategic Research Innovation Partnership Networks for the "Networks for Transition into Circular Economy";
Dragica Marinič, SRIP Coordinator, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska
Advanced laser manufacturing systems-hybrid additive manufacturing concept (hams)
Matej Balažič, Director, Balmar
15.30 - End of Sessions

Fonte: Redazione
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