Italia-Cina: a Roma l'"Invest Shanghai"

09-06-2023 19:00 -

GD - Roma, 9 giu. 23 - Roma ospiterà l'iniziativa "Invest Shanghai", in programma martedì 13 giugno all'Hotel Rome Cavalieri. L'evento, organizzato da Shanghai Investment Promotion Service Center e Shanghai Baoshan District Investment Promotion Office, in collaborazione con Italy China Council Foundation e Sino Italian Innovation Center, mira a presentare ad aziende e istituzioni le opportunità di collaborazione con Shanghai, in particolare nei settori biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing, carbon neutral e design.
Questo il programma dell'evento:
ore 10:30 - Registratione;
ore 11:00 - Opening remarks and Introduction: Marco Bettin, Director General of Italy China Council Foundation;
ore 11:05 - Speech by the Chinese Embassy in Italy: LI Bin, Minister counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs;
ore 11:15 - Speech by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization: LIU Ping, Vice Director;
ore 11:25 - Speech by BOD of ICCF / Delegate of Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy: Pietro Piccinetti;
ore 11:35 - Keynote speech "Invest in Shanghai": WANG Dong, Director of Shanghai Investment Promotion Service Center;
ore 11:55 - Keynote speech "Invest in Baoshan District": DING Jianping, Director of Shanghai Baoshan District Investment Promotion Office;
ore 12:15 - Keynote Speech by PwC: YU Fang, Director of Asia/China Practice of PwC (Italy);
ore 12:25 - Keynote Speech by DiaSorin: Ugo Gay, Managing Director and General Manager of DiaSorin Italia SpA;
ore 12:35 - MoU signing for official investment service cooperation: Shanghai Investment Promotion Service Center; Shanghai Baoshan District Investment Promotion Office; Italy China Council Foundation;
ore 12:40 - Free Communication.

Fonte: Redazione